Monday, December 1, 2008

Some Interesting Poll Data

We know that some of you may be curious about the results of the online survey we did about our short term and long term goals for new Head of School. We received 69 responses (out of about 200 emails sent, which is considered an excellent response); thank you to those who responded. Here are the results:

Of the following activities typically expected of a head of school, please select up to five activities that you believe should be the focus of the Head of School either immediately or during the next three years. PLEASE SELECT NO MORE THAN FIVE ACTIVITIES.

Partnering with the Board to set the agenda.
Strategic planning for the future/visioning.
Nurturing the school's community and values.
Financial management/stewardship of resources.
Improving communication among all stakeholders.
Enhancing admissions and enrollment.
Providing educational leadership (program/curriculum).
Evaluation and professional development of faculty.
Managing image/community relations (external public relations)
Other, please specify

Which five of the following strategic priorities do you believe are in need of completion by the new head of school over the next three to five years? SELECT NO MORE THAN FIVE ACTIVITIES.

Recruiting, retaining and compensating quality faculty.

Expanding parent and alumni giving/support.
Developing a sound five year financial plan for the school.
Creating a state of the art program and curriculum.
Managing and expanding effective use of technology.
Communicating with internal and external audiences.
Creating a diverse and inclusive school community.
Improving parent/school relationships.
Marketing/branding the school.
Renovating/enhancing school facilities.
Developing a more global outlook and programming for the school.
Creating a more environmentally sustainable school building and practices.
Developing a more cohesive school community.
Other, please specify

As you can see, most respondents focused upon educational aspects of the Head of School's job. These tasks concern the Head of School's role as "guarantor" (as discussed a few posts below) of the school's educational achievements. While the Head of School normally does not, directly, involve himself or herself in the details of a school's educational program (that's a job for the principal), the Head must still ensure that the school is achieving the educational results demanded by the school's stakeholders. The poll results show that parents overwhelming want a Head of School that will guarantee the continued academic quality of Kadima.

We also found interesting that our parents did not focus upon fundraising and admissions; yet, conversely; our Board members overwhelmingly voted that these were the most critical goals for the new Head of School. Board respondents unanimously stated that admissions was the most important immediate goal of the new Head of School, with fundraising and community relations tied for second.

When you think about it, this makes sense. While parents focus solely upon educational aspects of the school, the Board of Trustees also works to ensure that Kadima remains a center of Jewish education in the San Fernando Valley. Board members certainly demand excellence from Kadima's educational product, but Board members also look at the school's budget, and they know that such excellence costs a lot of money. The easiest way to raise this money is not fundraising from already strapped stakeholders; the most efficient way is to create a program that attracts huge numbers of kids to the school. When viewed in this light, it is hardly surprising the Board members would look at increasing student admissions as being one of the primary goals for a new Head of School.

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